Constitution of the Cheshire Association of Groundsmen
- Name. The name of the Association shall be Cheshire Association of Groundsmen (CAG) and the Association shall be represented on the Cheshire Club’s Cricket Committee (CCCC).
- Objects. The object of the CAG shall be to:
– Arrange subsidised courses for ground workers from clubs affiliated to the Cheshire Cricket Board (CCB), to learn the practical and administrative skills required for the preparation of high quality wickets and outfields for the playing of positive recreational cricket.
– Offer advice, assistance and the use of specialised machinery to the Clubs when requested.
– Arrange forums for discussion of topics of interest and talks from specialists. - Membership. Membership shall be open to all men and women who are involved in, or are interested in, the preparation of cricket squares and outfields at all clubs affiliated to the CCB. A small membership subscription, due on November 1st, shall be paid annually to cover the cost of administration of the CAG. The amount of the subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Annual General Meeting. The AGM shall be held in October each year. Notice shall be given by the Secretary to all members at least 21 days before the date fixed. All members shall have the right to vote at the AGM and a quorum shall be 20% of the membership. Voting shall be by a simple majority of the members present and voting. The AGM shall receive a report from the Chair of the CAG plus an audited statement of accounts from the Treasurer.
- Officers. The Officers of the CAG shall consist of a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer from within the membership of the Association.
- Committee. The Committee of the CAG will be made up of the Officers and three other members elected at the AGM. All of the members of the Committee will retire each year, but shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee will be responsible for the formation of new policies, rules that affect the organisation of the CAG and for its administration. The Committee will have the powers to form sub-committees and appoint advisors, to enable them to fulfil their business.
- Committee Meetings. These shall be convened by the Secretary when necessary to fulfil their role but there shall be at least three meetings per year. The quorum required for business to be agreed shall be four. Voting shall be by simple majority with the Chair having the casting vote.
- Open Meetings. There shall be up to four open meetings during the year held mainly in the winter months. These meetings will consist of a general forum for members to discuss mutual problems plus a presentation from a guest speaker.
- Funding. The CAG shall prepare budgets for projects for the CCCC and will receive funding from the CCB, through the CCCC, as available. Funding obtained through membership subscriptions or by other means may be used as decided by the Committee of the CAG.
- Constitutional Changes. These may be passed at the AGM by a straight majority of the members present and voting. Details of the proposed changes shall be given to all members with the notice of the meeting.
This Constitution was adopted unanimously by a meeting of Cheshire Groundsmen on Tuesday, 11th October 2005.